Health and Safety in Childcare

Health and Safety in Childcare is a fundamental duty of every person involved in a preschool service. All adults caring for children have a responsibility to keep them safe. In addition, employers are responsible under Health and Safety legislation for providing safe systems and place of work to their staff.


Occupational Health and Safety in Childcare

The childcare service’s responsibility is to provide a safe working environment and work practices for its staff. This is a requirement under the primary piece of legislation impacting childcare services; the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.

Providing a safe and healthy environment that promotes the wellbeing of all involves a co-operative approach. This approach involves the management, staff, parents, children and visitors. It means involving parents by informing them of policies and encouraging their participation. For staff it can involve, among other things, information, training and consultation. For example, it can include health and safety as a regular item for discussion at team meetings.

To help your employees adopt safe working practices, the eLearn Safety has developed a fully online Workplace Safety course.


Fire Safety in Childcare

Managers of childcare services have a duty to implement an effective fire safety management policy. This policy should minimise the risk of fire occurring. If a fire or other emergency does occur, ensure rapid and safe evacuation. For example, ensure that children and staff on the premises are evacuated safely and without delay. In addition, a member of staff should be assigned responsibility for the implementation and overseeing of the fire safety programme.

The Child and Family Agency (Tusla) has prepared A Guide to Building Safety – Fire and Planning Requirements. The purpose of this document is to help early year’s services ensure appropriate fire safety measures are in place.

In addition, to help your employees manage fire safety issues, the eLearn Safety has developed a fully online Fire Safety Awareness course.


Health and Safety in Childcare – Internal and External Environments

An internal and external environment in a childcare service must cater for child’s need to explore their world. In addition, it must provide a safe environment in which to do so. The flow of children and adults in the building should be considered. Access issues can impact on the service in terms of disruption. In addition, it may lead to health and safety incidents and accidents.

To help your employees maintain a safe internal and external environment, the eLearn Safety has developed a fully online Slips, Trips and Falls course.


Hygiene and Infection Prevention Control

Hygiene is essential in maintaining a safe and healthy childcare service. For example, daily cleaning routines and proper hand washing procedures. In addition, promotion of oral health and policies to deal with infection and exclusion are crucial.

Good hygiene practices and effective hand washing are the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection among children. In childcare services, infections can be spread due to the presence of large numbers of people in close proximity over a number of hours. Germs thrive in warm, moist environments that are poorly ventilated. Germs do not survive well in dry, clean conditions. Childcare management and staff should be familiar with common infections. Furthermore, they should be aware of how to prevent the spread of infection.

To help your employees implement infection prevention control measures, the eLearn Safety has developed a fully online Infection Prevention and Control course.


Food Safety and Safe Food Handling

In common with other food operations, pre-schools are subject to the provisions of a number of pieces of food safety legislation. These set down the obligations on the owners of food businesses to ensure that the business is operated in a hygienic way.

The rules of hygiene cover a number of requirements. For example, rooms where food is prepared, foodstuffs, transportation, equipment, food waste, water supply, personal hygiene and training. Owners are also obliged to identify steps in the activities of the business that are critical to ensuring food safety. In addition, they must ensure that adequate safety procedures are identified, implemented and reviewed.

To help your employees ensure safe food handling, the eLearn Safety has developed a number of fully online Food Safety and HACCP courses.


Child Protection

Child protection should promote the overall welfare and development of the child. This in turn will contribute to the growth of their self-esteem and personal autonomy. Consequently, this is achieved by creating a safe and sound environment. Furthermore, a safe environment is where trust, respect, equity and, in particular, a real willingness to listen to children is established. Undeniably, a focus on what is in the interests of the child must be the guiding principle.

To summarise, it is the shared responsibility of the manager and the staff members to ensure that children are kept safe.

Tusla has worked with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the HSE to develop a universal e-learning programme. This programme is called Introduction to Children First. The programme has been written to support people of all backgrounds and experience. To this end, the course will help them recognise concerns about children and report such concerns if they arise.


Online Health and Safety Training

Proactive Health and Safety training is critical to ensure a safe workplace. An effective training program can reduce the number of worker injuries and deaths. It can also reduce instances of property damage, legal liability, illnesses, and missed time from work.

Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.

This is why we have established eLearn Safety school. We pride ourselves in how we guide, support and mentor our students. They receive support throughout their learning experience and into their working lives. Our staff have extensive training experience and also have many years industry experience. We understand the challenges that exist within Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Our priority is to ensure that all learners are fully prepared to differentiate themselves in the workplace after completing our Health and Safety courses.

eLearn Safety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email

eLearn Online Health and Safety Training

eLearn Online Health and Safety Training

Paediatric First Aid – Choking

Paediatric First Aid – Choking article will look into helping a child and infant in case of choking. Choking happens when an object lodges in the throat or windpipe blocking the flow of air. In adults, a piece of food is usually to blame. Young children often choke on small objects. Choking is life-threatening. It cuts off oxygen to the brain.


Paediatric First Aid – Choking Child

How to recognise if the Child is choking?

First step is to ask the child if they are choking. Second step is to observe:

  • Mild obstruction: Difficulty in speaking, coughing and breathing.
  • Severe obstruction: Inability to speak, cough or breathe. Eventual unconsciousness.


How to Help Choking Child

Step 1. Encourage Child to Cough

If the child is breathing, encourage her to cough to try to remove the obstruction herself. If this fails, go to step 2.

Step 2. Give Up to Five Back Blows

If the child cannot speak, cough or breathe, bend her forward. Give up to five sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. Check her mouth. If choking persists, proceed to step 3.

Step 3. Give Up To Five Abdominal Thrusts

Stand behind the child. Put both your arms around her, and put one fist between her navel and the bottom of her breastbone. Grasp your fist with your other hand, and pull sharply inwards and upwards up to five times. Recheck the child’s mouth.

Step 4. Call For Emergency Help

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the obstruction clears. If after three cycles it still has not cleared, call 999/112 for emergency help. Continue the sequence until help arrives, the obstruction is cleared or the child loses consciousness.

Source: St. John Ambulance []


Paediatric First Aid – Choking Infant

How to recognise if the Child is choking?

With choking infant, it is very important to carefully observe and look for:

  • Mild obstruction: Able to cough but difficulty in breathing or making any noise.
  • Severe obstruction: Inability to cough, make any noise or breathe. Eventual unconsciousness.


How to Help Choking Infant

Step 1. Give Up To Five Back Blows

If the infant is unable to cough or breathe, lay her face down along your thigh, and support her head. Give up to five back blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.

Step 2. Check Infant’s Mouth

Turn the infant over so that she is face up along your other leg and check her mouth. Check the mouth – do not sweep the mouth with your finger. Pick out any obvious obstructions. If choking persists, proceed to step 3.

Step 3. Give Up To Five Chest Thrusts

With the infant still lying on your leg, place two fingertips on the lower half of her breastbone, a finger’s breadth below the nipples. Give up to five sharp thrusts, pushing inwards and downwards, towards the head. Recheck the infant’s mouth.

Step 4. Call For Emergency Help

Repeat steps 1 to 3. If after three cycles the obstruction is still not clear, take the infant with you and call 999/112 for emergency help. Continue the sequence until help arrives, the obstruction is cleared or the infant loses consciousness.

Source: St. John Ambulance []


Raising Awareness

There are a number of ways in which one can train and refresh their knowledge in Paediatric First Aid. eLearn Safety offers fully online, blended and face-to-face environmental and occupational health and safety courses. One of such courses is Paediatric First Aid course. At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the paediatric patient.
  • Perform the CPR on a child and infant.
  • Place the child and infant in the recovery position.
  • Know how to treat the choking child and infant.
  • Stop bleeding.

Furthermore, there are a number of useful resources available online. Such resources are St. John Ambulance and their Paediatric First Aid Get Advice section. This is First Aid advice for children and babies including choking, croup, drowning, head injuries, hypothermia, how to do a primary survey, CPR and the recovery position. In addition, the HSE provides information about how to treat cuts and bleeding in babies and children and when to get medical help via their webpage First aid.


Online Health and Safety Training

Proactive Health and Safety training is critical to ensure a safe workplace. An effective training program can reduce the number of worker injuries and deaths. It can also reduce instances of property damage, legal liability, illnesses, and missed time from work.

Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.

This is why we have established eLearn Safety school. We pride ourselves in how we guide, support and mentor our students. They receive support throughout their learning experience and into their working lives. Our staff have extensive training experience and also have many years industry experience. We understand the challenges that exist within Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Our priority is to ensure that all learners are fully prepared to differentiate themselves in the workplace after completing our Health and Safety courses.

eLearn Safety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email

eLearn Safety – Online Health and Safety Training

eLearn Safety – Online Health and Safety Training

Importance of Paediatric First Aid Training

Importance of Paediatric First Aid training is tremendous. Basic first aid training and knowledge can save a distressed child’s life. First aid, in general, is the act of giving someone who is in medical emergency initial help and assistance until access to professional medical assistance can be provided.


Legal Framework

The Child Care Act, 1991 (early years services) Regulations 2016 state that a registered provider shall ensure that a person trained in first aid for children is, at all times, immediately available to the children attending the pre-school service. This training must cover both infants and children and enable the Paediatric First Aider to work in different roles. These roles might be roles in childminding, nannying, pre-school work, creche work, teaching, au pair roles, and any role with the responsibility for looking after children.

But there is another aspect to the importance of Paediatric First Aid Training beyond the legal framework. Such training is designed to empower parents with the confidence and competence to respond effectively to emergencies involving children.


Practical Importance of Paediatric First Aid Training

A core responsibility of the Paediatric First Aider is to assess the patient quickly for any life threatening injuries.

An infant or child’s body cannot survive without oxygen. 3 to 4 minutes without the oxygen, the brain will begin to die and the damage to the brain will be irreversible. To prevent this, in Paediatric First Aid we aim to quickly assess the patient as follows:

  • Primary Survey. The aim of the primary survey is to rapidly assess the infant or child for life threatening emergencies to airway, breathing and circulation. In addition, here we aim to treat each emergency before moving on to the next part of the primary survey. In general, the primary survey consists of checking the patient against the DR ABC acronym (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation). This approach should be used for every patient the Paediatric First Aider is required to assess.
  • Secondary Survey. Once the primary survey is completed, a secondary survey should be completed by the Paediatric First Aider. The purpose of this survey is to find any other injuries such as fractures, dislocations, etc. In addition, the purpose of this survey is to find out the patient’s medical history. On some occasions, whether life threatening conditions are detected in the primary survey, it may not be possible to complete the secondary survey.


Raising Awareness

There are a number of ways in which one can train and refresh their knowledge in Paediatric First Aid. eLearn Safety offers fully online, blended and face-to-face environmental and occupational health and safety courses. One of such courses is Paediatric First Aid course. At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the paediatric patient.
  • Perform the CPR on a child and infant.
  • Place the child and infant in the recovery position.
  • Know how to treat the choking child and infant.
  • Stop bleeding.

Furthermore, there are a number of useful resources available online. Such resources are St. John Ambulance and their Paediatric First Aid Get Advice section. This is First Aid advice for children and babies including choking, croup, drowning, head injuries, hypothermia, how to do a primary survey, CPR and the recovery position. In addition, the HSE provides information about how to treat cuts and bleeding in babies and children and when to get medical help via their webpage First aid.


Online Health and Safety Training

Proactive Health and Safety training is critical to ensure a safe workplace. An effective training program can reduce the number of worker injuries and deaths. It can also reduce instances of property damage, legal liability, illnesses, and missed time from work.

Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.

This is why we have established Myelearnsafety school. We pride ourselves in how we guide, support and mentor our students. They receive support throughout their learning experience and into their working lives. Our staff have extensive training experience and also have many years industry experience. We understand the challenges that exist within Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Our priority is to ensure that all learners are fully prepared to differentiate themselves in the workplace after completing our Health and Safety courses.

Myelearnsafety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email


eLearn Online Health and Safety Training

Electricity in the Workplace

Most people use some form of electricity in the workplace daily. It is this familiarity that leads to carelessness with electricity and a disregard for the risks associated with it. Common issues are overloading electricity outlets, maintaining electrical equipment while it is still connected to the power supply, using plugs fitted with the wrong fuse and using equipment that does not have a fused plug fitted.


The Main Hazards with Electricity

Electricity can affect the worker in a number of ways:

  • Burns – electricity invariably burns (both entry and exit burns) and serious injuries can take a long time to heal.
  • Flash – electrical flashes are extremely bright and can burn or damage the eyes.
  • Shocks – electricity passing through the body can affect the heart. The consequences can be fatal.
  • Fires – a significant percentage of fires in the workplace are caused by electrical faults.

The risk of injury from electricity is strongly linked to where and how it is used.  In addition, there is greater risk in wet and/or damp conditions.

Once the human body comes into contact with the electricity, it can be impossible to let go of the source of electricity. If the person who is in touch with electricity gets touched by another person, the electricity will flow through the other person as well. The human body is a good conductor of electricity.

Every electric shock has the potential to kill!


Example of an Avoidable Accident

This incident was reported in the UK by the Health and Safety Executive.

Refrigerated display cabinet in a café

A 19-year-old man was electrocuted and killed when he touched a refrigerated display cabinet in a café. Investigation showed that the 13A plug had been incorrectly refitted to the cabinet’s main lead.

This meant the metalwork of the cabinet, which should have been safe to touch, was dangerously live at mains voltage. The man’s sister received two shocks from the cabinet before realising what had happened to her brother.

How to avoid similar accidents

You must ensure that your electrical installation and equipment is safe. Don’t cut corners – electrical installations must be installed by someone who has the necessary training, skills and experience to carry out the work safely.


Using Electrical Equipment Safely

To ensure safe use of electrical equipment:

  • ALWAYS – Check the equipment before use.
  • ALWAYS – Switch it off before unplugging the machine.
  • ALWAYS – Report all faults immediately and remove the equipment from use so no-one else can use it and get injured.
  • ALWAYS – Turn off the power when servicing electrical equipment.
  • NEVER – Handle the plug with wet hands.
  • NEVER – Use electrical equipment in wet conditions.
  • NEVER – Use electrical equipment unless you have been trained in its use.
  • NEVER – Overload electrical sockets.
  • NEVER – Overload extension leads (don’t plug in a combination of appliances that will exceed the maximum current rating for the lead).
  • NEVER – Attempt repairs unless qualified to do so.


Electrical Equipment Checks

Electrical cables, flexes, tools and equipment should be regularly checked and faults reported. Portable appliances should be checked periodically by a competent person.

A high percentage of faults with electrical equipment can be found by just looking at it. Everyone can play a role in improving safety by making quick visual checks of the equipment they use.

When carrying out preventive maintenance things to look for are:

  • Damage to cables, e.g. cuts and abrasions to the cable covering.
  • Damage to plugs, e.g. cracked casing or broken pins.
  • Loose cables, e.g. the outer covering of the cable not being gripped properly by the plug.
  • Signs of overheating, e.g. burn marks, staining or melted plastic.
  • Bare wires (none should be visible).
  • Coiled extension cables (make sure coiled extension cables are fully extended when in use).

If any of these faults, or any other unusual state of the equipment can be noticed, a qualified person should undertake any necessary repairs. No electrical equipment should be used if there is any sign of damage.

Additional information can be found on Health and Safety Authority website and their Electricity pages.


Dealing with Electrical Shock

A shock occurs when an electrical current passes through the body. This can interfere with the body’s own electrical impulses and may cause the heart or breathing to stop. Burns may be seen where the current enters and exits the body. There may also be deep internal damage which cannot be seen along the path of the current.

In the event of someone suffering an electric shock:

  • Seek help and do not put yourself at risk.
  • Make sure the contact with the electricity is broken before you touch the casualty. Turn off the power at the mains or unplug the appliance if possible. Do not touch anything that is metal or wet.
  • For high voltage supplies (such as overhead power lines) do not allow anyone within 18 meters of the casualty.
  • Once the power is disconnected safely, someone with first aid knowledge can give first aid. This may involve giving CPR or treating any burns or injuries.
  • Take the casualty to hospital for a check up (even if they have apparently recovered). Call 999/112 for emergency help if the casualty has been unconscious or has electrical burns.


Online Health and Safety Training

Proactive Health and Safety training is critical to ensure a safe workplace. An effective training program can reduce the number of worker injuries and deaths. It can also reduce instances of property damage, legal liability, illnesses, and missed time from work.

Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.

This is why we have established Myelearsafety school. We pride ourselves in how we guide, support and mentor our students. They receive support throughout their learning experience and into their working lives. Our staff have extensive training experience and also have many years industry experience. We understand the challenges that exist within Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Our priority is to ensure that all learners are fully prepared to differentiate themselves in the workplace after completing our Health and Safety courses.

Myelearnsafety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email



Workplace Accidents and Their Prevention

Workplace accidents and their prevention are key priorities of anyone at work – employers and employees alike. Prevention of workplace accidents helps organisations prevent injuries and ill-health at work, damage to property, lost of productivity. In addition, workplace accident may cause significant legal issues. whilst accidents are usually regarded as unplanned and uncontrolled events, this is often not the case,. The truth is that many accidents can be avoided. An accident is an incident that may cause:

  • Major or serious personal injuries or damage to the workplace.
  • Minor damage or injuries.
  • A near miss.
  • Death.


Main Factors That Cause Accidents in the Workplace

Each workplace has certain hazards associated with its operation. Being aware of these hazards and the control of associated risks is essential for accident prevention. You can find out about workplace hazards in our Workplace Hazards blog entry form 24 February 2023.

There are three factors that can cause problems in the workplace:

  • Occupational – injury or illness directly connected to work related tasks such as lifting and carrying or using tools and equipment.
  • Environmental – conditions in the workplace such s heating, ventilation, lighting and space that can affect the safety of workers.
  • Human – lack of training, inexperience, complacency, disregard for safety rules, haste, distraction and tiredness are examples of human factors that can contribute to accidents, Unfortunately many human hazards are very difficult to control. This is why relevant training and prevention is extremely important. For training courses to that might help with Human Hazard prevention, please check our online training school eLearn Safety.


Investigation of Workplace Accidents and Their Prevention process

It is vital that all managing staff creates a positive attitude to health and safety matters and to make sure all members of the team take health and safety seriously. Everyone in the workplace must follow safe working procedures and must report safety issues and defects.

Employers need to be made aware of occurrences so they can be prevented from happening again. All accidents, including near misses and all incidents and ill-health must be reported. This is so these events could be investigated and corrective action  taken. This is however not to ‘punish’ anyone involved, but to prevent the accident happening again and to learn from it. Employees have a legal duty to report occurrences to their employer.

Accidents and incidents can be reported in the form of of an Accident Book, which should contain, for example, the following information:

  • Date and Time of Injury.
  • Name of the Injured Person.
  • A description of the accident and Nature of the Injury.
  • What Action was Taken and by Whom.
  • Final Outcome (e.g., employee sent home, hospitalised, etc.).
  • Person reporting an Injury (if it is not the injured person).


Accident and Dangerous Occurrence Reporting

Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2016 all employers and self-employed persons are legally obliged to report the injury of an employee as a result of an accident while at work. Injuries must be reported if an employee is unable to carry out their normal work for more than three consecutive days, excluding the day of the accident.


How to Report an Injury

The injury at the workplace can be reported:


Workplace Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities (2020–2021)

The number of fatal incidents for 2020 was reported as 54. There were 38 work-related fatal incidents in 2021.

In 2021, 8,279 non-fatal injuries were reported to the Authority, an increase of 8% from the 7,652 reported in 2020. This may be due in part to revived economic activity in 2021 following the partial relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions. Of the 8,279 non-fatal injuries reported in 2021, 97% related to workers. The highest number was reported in the NACE economic sector of Human Health and Social Work Activities, which accounted for over 22% of all incidents. For non-worker incidents, the highest number was reported in Wholesale and Retail Trade (118) representing 46% of all non-worker injuries.

Workplace Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities (2020–2021) – Full Report.


Online Health and Safety Training

Proactive Health and Safety training is critical to ensure safe workplace. An effective training program can reduce the number of worker injuries and deaths. It can also reduce instances of property damage, legal liability, illnesses, and missed time from work.

Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.

This is why we have established Myelearsafety school. We pride ourselves in how we guide, support and mentor our students. They receive support throughout their learning experience and into their working lives. Our staff have extensive training experience and also have many years industry experience. We understand the challenges that exist within Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Our priority is to ensure that all learners are fully prepared to differentiate themselves in the workplace after completing our Health and Safety courses.

Myelearnsafety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email

Occupational Health

Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of physical and mental wellbeing of all staff. Health problems directly related to a person’s job are defined as an occupational illness.

Some hazards, such as skin contact with chemicals causing short-term irritation and/or rashes are known as acute illnesses. For more information try our fully online Chemical Safety course. Chronic illnesses develop gradually and their effects may be irreversible, e.g. loss of hearing. Some may even appear years after the time of employment, e.g. asbestosis. For more information try our fully online Asbestos Awareness course.


Specific Health Hazards

  • Physical damage from noise, heat and radiation, e.g. hand arm vibration syndrome by machine operators using vibrating machinery such as strimmers, soil compactors and drills. For more information try our fully online Workplace Safety course.
  • Chemical problems from harmful dust, liquids and/or fumes, e.g. dermatitis causing severe irritation and cracking of the skin in occupations such as cleaners or hairdressers. For more information try our fully online Chemical Safety course.
  • Ergonomic problems from poorly designed work areas, e.g. work-related upper limb disorders, back pain or repetitive strain suffered by keyboard operators and tool operators. For more information try our fully online VDU/DSE course and Manual Handling Awareness course.
  • Biological hazards from infectious diseases and agents, e.g. hepatitis caused by needle stick injuries to hospital staff. For more information try our fully online Infection Prevention and Control course.


General Health Hazards

As well as specific health hazards there are some general things that may affect all workplaces:


Smoking and passive smoking have been linked to lung cancer, irritation to the respiratory system and other harmful effects. The Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2004 (No. 6 of 2004) placed a ban on smoking at all enclosed places of work from 29/03/04 to protect persons at work from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. This includes office blocks, aircraft, trains, company vehicles, health premises, schools, colleges, cinemas, theatres, licensed premises and clubs, if any of these places is your place of work. The smoking ban also applies to common areas within buildings. This means, for example, that corridors, lobby areas and reception areas of buildings such as apartment blocks and hotels are also covered. For more information, please consult Citizens Information service. In addition, try our fully online Workplace Safety course.



Alcohol increases the time it takes to react to situations, affects behaviour and reduces performance. For more information try our fully online Behavioral Safety course.



Substance abuse may cause health problems and can cause safety hazards in the workplace. Many drugs are particularly dangerous because they cause mood changes and alter people’s perceptions. Even prescribed drugs may have a detrimental effect. As with alcohol, the condition must be addressed. For more information try our fully online Behavioral Safety course.



Verbal abuse, threats, bullying or assault can cause stress and concern as well as physical injury. Staff should be encouraged to report all occurrences to their supervisors who should record and objectively investigate the details and if necessary report to the relevant authority. For more information try our fully online Bullying Awareness course.



A large percentage of sick leave is due to stress, either due to personal reasons or the physical or emotional pressure of the job. Stomach and skin conditions, heart disease and depression have been linked to stress. Factors influencing stress in the workplace include poor working conditions, overwork, job insecurity, peer pressure including harassment, unrealistic targets and poor management.

Employees should be encouraged to report stress and management should be trained to recognise the symptoms and causes of stress such as inability or reduced ability to cope with normal tasks and situations, increased sick leave and/or poor time-keeping. For more information try our fully online Workplace Stress Awareness course.


It is very important to have an effective occupational health management system in place. There are sound economic reasons for reducing work-related accidents and ill-health, as well as ethical and regulatory reasons. Businesses that manage safety and health successfully invariably have a positive safety culture. Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.


For online Health and Safety training solutions, please check our Online Health and Safety Training portal.

Myelearnsafety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email

Are there Food Safety Requirements for a Childcare Provider?

The Environmental Health Association of Ireland (EHAI) recommends that where a childcare service provides food to children, relevant staff are required to have food safety training.

The childcare provider needs to have a HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) Food Safety System in place.


Your food safety management system allows you to identify and control any hazards that could pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. It helps you to:


  • identify what can go wrong
  • plan to prevent it
  • make sure you are doing it.


According to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), If you are responsible for developing and maintaining your business’s HACCP based procedures then you must undertake adequate training in the application of HACCP principles.


HACCP training is a requirement


What Level of Food Safety Training Do Our Staff Need?


Food Safety HACCP Level 1

The Food Safety (HACCP) Level 1 course is ideal for those with no previous experience, with light food handling duties and/or performing low-risk duties (such as waiters, baristas, caregivers, kitchen porters, deli shop assistants, etc.). 


Food Safety HACCP Level 2

This is the recommended level for all food handlers, or those working in a kitchen setting, who do not have management responsibility for HACCP.


Food Safety HACCP Level 3

Food Safety HACCP Level 3 defines food safety skills for management and is aimed specifically towards Catering Managers, Supervisors, Executive and Head Chefs within the Hospitality Industry, Industrial and Institutional Catering Units, along with the Health Sector, Retail Sector and Delis.There should be at least one food worker with Food Safety HACCP Level 3 on duty in a food premises. 


Managers, Owners, need to be able to manage HACCP systems. They should also have a good understanding of how to implement a HACCP Programme for their workplace. All food businesses are required by law to have a food safety management system in place based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point).


What Can Myelearnsafety Do for You?

Contact Myelearnsafety, HACCP Food Safety Training Consultants can be contacted for free HACCP Food Safety Advice and Guidance.


Telephone the office @ 01 278 1938 – As for Shane or Cormac

Benefits of eLearning to COVID-19 Transmission Rates

eLearning Trends

eLearning was already on the rise pre-COVID-19. For some time there has been a phenomenal growth of eLearning use among the corporate sector. 90% of corporations now use e-learning compared to just 4% in 1995. And the reason for this is obvious; with employees delivering increased productivity for every euro/dollar invested in e-learning.

Though it was trending that way anyway, the onset of COVID-19 has meant that the growth of eLearning has spread well beyond the corporate sector, to now encompass the education, healthcare, computer & info tech, retail and eCommerce and construction sectors, among others.

People working remotely, businesses moving online and people choosing to learn online rather than in the classroom – the necessary restrictions caused by Covid-19, have seen technology take centre stage in so many aspects of business and life.

There has been a two-fold benefit when it comes to reducing the rate of transfer of COVID-19.

Benefits of eLearning to reducing spread of COVID-19

Reducing the Transmission Rate

As well as the positive environmental impact of an increased uptake in eLearning, there has been a two-fold benefit when it comes to reducing the rate of transfer of COVID-19. The first, and most obvious of these benefits, is the reduction in face-to-face contact. The second benefit is the opportunity to increase employee awareness, training and general education regarding COVID-19, with COVID-19 specific courses such as COVID-19 Infection Prevention & ControlCOVID-19 Compliance Officer, and COVID-19 Lead Worker Representative courses.

Looking at COVID-19 Infection Prevention & Control courses as an example, this type course provides a better understanding of the basic principles of infection control and the ability to apply standard precautions while understanding the chain of infection and an employees’ own role in the prevention of the spread of infection. All going towards reducing the transmission rate of COVID-19.


“Students acquire knowledge and skills through online and offline eLearning as well as or better than they do through traditional teaching”


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The World Health Organisation (WHO) itself has taken a proactive approach to providing eLearning courses aimed at controlling and preventing the spread of infection of viruses such as the novel coronavirus. This is not surprising, as the findings from a review commissioned by the WHO showed that students acquire knowledge and skills through online and offline eLearning as well as or better than they do through traditional teaching.




If you are interested in taking precautions to minimise the spread of COVID-19 either now, or upon return to work, speak to Cormac at: +353 1 2781938 or

New Partnership Announcement with IAHA

We are very happy to announce a new partnership with with Irish Association of Healthcare Assistances (IAHA).


The Irish Association of Healthcare Assistants is the professional body for Healthcare Assistants (HCAs.)

Their aim is to elevate the professional standard and performance of HCAs through a formal recognised qualification (QQI Level 5), continued professional development and advocacy. They believe this is achieved through fostering high standards of professional conduct, training and competence. The IAHA  strives to ensure that HCAs are included as valued members of the nursing team.

They appreciate that Healthcare assistants and clinical support workers have started to undertake advanced roles; Venepuncture, Urinalysis, Oxygen Therapy, Safe Administration of Medication, Wound dressings, Vital Sign & Blood Glucose Checks – list is endless. The IAHA support their professional development through governance guidelines and having the necessary structures, processes, standards and oversight in place to ensure that safe, person centred and effective services are delivered.

My Elearn Safety are proud to be partnered with a company who strive to elevate this standard of Healthcare and we look forward to working closely with them for the foreseeable future.

IAHA Partnership