Johnnie Fox’s Pub
This world-famous pub serves tens of thousands of customers each year. It opens long hours and requires a team of experiences managers. Managers however are most valuable to the business when they are out on the floor making sure service and quality are of the highest standard.
Their needs
Given the long hours, shift work is required and it is simply impossible to gather 10 mangers together and take significant time out of their schedules while continuing to operate the business which is open all year round.
The eLearn solution
eLearn is able to provide them with an online platform where consistent training offers a variety of courses is tailored to the individuals needs and responsibilities. Johnnie Fox’s pay staff to undertake courses on line at hours that suit t hem which facilitates the flexible working arrangements necessary to run the business. Where blended learning is required the face to face time is significantly reduced where coursework is completed and tested on line. It allows for cross short repeat face to face training to be completed for all personnel without significant time lag. The records the online training produces assist in monitoring and recording Health & Safety Training in a busy and risky working environment.
The customer feedback
“ is great for our staff because they can actively engage in ongoing learning even after they have completed the face to face training.” Johnnie Fox’s Pub HR Manager