Safety Training

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Occupational Health

Occupational Health

Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of physical and mental wellbeing of all staff. Health problems directly related to a person’s job are defined as an occupational illness.

Some hazards, such as skin contact with chemicals causing short-term irritation and/or rashes are known as acute illnesses. For more information try our fully online Chemical Safety course. Chronic illnesses develop gradually and their effects may be irreversible, e.g. loss of hearing. Some may even appear years after the time of employment, e.g. asbestosis. For more information try our fully online Asbestos Awareness course.


Specific Health Hazards


General Health Hazards

As well as specific health hazards there are some general things that may affect all workplaces:


Smoking and passive smoking have been linked to lung cancer, irritation to the respiratory system and other harmful effects. The Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2004 (No. 6 of 2004) placed a ban on smoking at all enclosed places of work from 29/03/04 to protect persons at work from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. This includes office blocks, aircraft, trains, company vehicles, health premises, schools, colleges, cinemas, theatres, licensed premises and clubs, if any of these places is your place of work. The smoking ban also applies to common areas within buildings. This means, for example, that corridors, lobby areas and reception areas of buildings such as apartment blocks and hotels are also covered. For more information, please consult Citizens Information service. In addition, try our fully online Workplace Safety course.



Alcohol increases the time it takes to react to situations, affects behaviour and reduces performance. For more information try our fully online Behavioral Safety course.



Substance abuse may cause health problems and can cause safety hazards in the workplace. Many drugs are particularly dangerous because they cause mood changes and alter people’s perceptions. Even prescribed drugs may have a detrimental effect. As with alcohol, the condition must be addressed. For more information try our fully online Behavioral Safety course.



Verbal abuse, threats, bullying or assault can cause stress and concern as well as physical injury. Staff should be encouraged to report all occurrences to their supervisors who should record and objectively investigate the details and if necessary report to the relevant authority. For more information try our fully online Bullying Awareness course.



A large percentage of sick leave is due to stress, either due to personal reasons or the physical or emotional pressure of the job. Stomach and skin conditions, heart disease and depression have been linked to stress. Factors influencing stress in the workplace include poor working conditions, overwork, job insecurity, peer pressure including harassment, unrealistic targets and poor management.

Employees should be encouraged to report stress and management should be trained to recognise the symptoms and causes of stress such as inability or reduced ability to cope with normal tasks and situations, increased sick leave and/or poor time-keeping. For more information try our fully online Workplace Stress Awareness course.


It is very important to have an effective occupational health management system in place. There are sound economic reasons for reducing work-related accidents and ill-health, as well as ethical and regulatory reasons. Businesses that manage safety and health successfully invariably have a positive safety culture. Health and Safety training helps establish a culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the importance of workplace safety. The role of training in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities is a proven and successful method of intervention.


For online Health and Safety training solutions, please check our Online Health and Safety Training portal.

Myelearnsafety offers fully online Health and Safety courses.

To find out more, please check our Courses page.

Alternatively, should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know via email

Benefits of Elearning

The way we learn, consume and digest information is forever changing and improving. Elearning has significantly changed the way we learn and we teach. There are many benefits of Elearning for students;

1. Independence & Flexibility 

Lectures can be taken be taken at your own pace, you define your own speed. Its a very convenient and flexible option, you don’t have to depend on anyone. Lectures are not going to be canceled or rescheduled as with some classroom environments. Unlike classrooms, if you miss the day or hour of that lesson being taught, unfortunately you have just missed it. With elearning you can take the class any day at any time at your own pace.

2. Quick delivery of Lessons

Lessons start up and finish quickly compared to a traditional classroom setting. Lessons are kept on track, there is no set up and winding down period. This allows the individual to complete a series of lessons or a course much quicker. Learners learn what they need to know and can skip elements of the subject matter that they don’t need to learn, saving more time.

3. Lectures can be taken multiple times

If you didn’t understand something or found the lesson confusing in any way, you can go back and keep learning until you fully understand, then you can move onto the next lesson. There is ongoing access to key resources. 

4. Content is not stale or outdated

Depending on the subject, lecturers might not be up to date with the latest content or technology as they are not working in the industry. Because of the competition in the Elearning industry it has set very high standards for courses. 

5. Reduced cost and time and travel

The biggest cost of training and courses in organisations and individuals is the cost of attending the training course, rather then the direct delivery costs in terms of trainers, course materials, travel and time.  This is especially evident with companies or individuals working or living in remote locations.  There is also a reduction in cost for breaks and meals; For breaks the cost of your time might be better spent on something else especially if its a night course and you are trying to get home. You may go to a cafe or buy lunch or dinner during a break which are sometimes unexpected costs. 

6. Environment

Digital learning is an effective way to significantly reduce energy usage and your carbon footprint by up to 90%. It cuts down on travel, eliminates the need for paper or textbooks, and reduces the resources needed to maintain a facility, accommodation and equipment.