You need a Safety Management System (This is Why)

Safety Management System

What is a safety management system?

A safety management system is in short, a way for an organisation to ensure that they are, planning, acting, measuring and improving their approach to health & safety on an ongoing basis.

What are the benefits to having an accredited safety management system?

An organisation will see many benefits such as, increased safety performance, improved work morale, reduced chance in insurance premium hikes and importantly the chance of legal costs. This can be detrimental to a company and can result in closure of business.

What are some of the accredited safety management systems an organisation can aspire to?

  • ISO 45001

This ISO standard was developed by a committee of occupational health & safety experts and follows the same approach to management control as ISO 14001 (Environmental) and ISO 9001 (Quality). It takes into account other internal standards such as OHSAS 18001 and international Labour Organisation Guidelines.

  • Safe T Cert (Construction)

Safe-T-Cert is a certification scheme designed for certifying the Safety Management Systems of contractors working in the construction industry. The Scheme’s objective is to improve health and safety management by providing objective standards and certifying those contractors whose safety management systems have been assessed, and can demonstrate that they:

  • Are in line with the ILO guidelines for safety management systems
  • Meet the basic requirements for training and competence
  • Implement an occupational health and safety management system which meets the requirements of the organisation – incorporating continual improvement.
  • Address relevant national legislation
  • Demonstrates commitment at all levels within the organisation

All organisations need to have a safety management system in place in order to safeguard them and their employees. There are many injuries caused in work and it is vital that the correct training and procedures are put in place in order to minimise the risk. We have lots of online and onsite courses available for you and your work colleagues.

Click here for more details.