First Aid in Hospitality

8 May 2019

We at My Elearn Safety are always looking to share valuable information with our followers. The people over at Research Gate have written a great publication on First Aid Responsibilities for Hotels and Resorts. ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers. Over 15 million members from all over the world use it to share, discover, and discuss research.

First Aid – Implications for Hotels and Resorts

Like other workplaces, hotels and resorts have health and safety duties in relation to first aid under the new code, which provides:


“A person conducting a business or undertaking has the primary duty under the
WHS Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers
persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or


The WHS Regulations place specific obligations on a person conducting a business or under- taking in relation to first aid, including requirements to:

  • Provide first aid equipment and ensure each worker at the workplace has access to the equipment
  • Ensure access to facilities for the administration of first aid
  • Ensure that an adequate number of workers are trained to administer this aid at the workplace or that workers have access to an adequate number of other people who have been trained to administer first aid.

While the focus of the new Code is on protecting workers and ensuring workplaces are safe, compliance also offers a wide safety net for visitors and guests. Indeed, in planning first aid resources the Code specifically recommends consideration of other people at the workplace who are not workers, for example, students in workplaces such as schools, members of the public in places of entertainment, fairgrounds and shopping centres.


The publication goes on to include:

  • Example lawsuits
  • Changing Status of First Aid and the Law

Continue reading publication here.

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